Belgian bikers help bullied girl (17)

About thirty tough motorcyclists from all over Belgium have shown their softest side.

That is what Het Laatste Nieuws reports. The 17-year-old girl has been bullied for three years. The harassment is so heavy that the teenager even tried to end her life at the beginning of this month.

When Bikers For Children heard the story, the tough motor men came into action. Thirty members were summoned to help the girl. 'At her school we managed to get into a conversation with a few bullies', says Eric Wemmel of Bikers For Children.

Also a teacher and the mother of the girl were there. Eventually the girls even gave each other a hug. 'I liked that very much. '

On to the previous school. The motorcyclists then made a stop at the previous school of Pauline, where they still get bullying. 'We had a good conversation with the new director,' Wemmel continues. They could not speak to the bully there. 'She is still underage and there was no permission from the parents' But possibly it would be possible later. '

It may seem intimidating, 'but that is also the intention. It must of course have an effect. What I am very proud of is that Pauline stepped outside the school with a smile at the end of the day. With that our goal was achieved. I am glad that we have been able to initiate a dialogue. Hopefully this also gives a boost to her self-confidence. '

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