Bee and butterfly are scarce

Vocational butterfly populations in the world are threatened with extinction.

The Congress of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) drew the conclusion that it is best made with the animals and insects that pollinate crops. Bees, butterflies, beetles, flies and bats are struggling.

The bees were already longer in the bad books of course, the scientific journal New Scientist writes, but the butterfly is now also at risk. The implications for humans are huge, say the scientists, because it is more than three quarters of our agricultural products depend on these animals. Then it comes to our diet, such as fruits, vegetables, coffee, cocoa, nuts and vegetable oils. These products are likely eventually to be scarce.

Why the bad with a lot of insects, is not entirely clear. Science suspect it has to do with the intensive agriculture that focuses on one crop. There remain bees away because they find too little food. The increasing use of pesticides is a threat to insects. Pesticides kill the animal or ensure that their reproduction is endangered.