Ban on public homosexuality Russia

A new Russian law, submitted by the Russian Communist Party, wants the ban to be " openly gay " to be in the public space.

The penalty is even more severe for those who show their sexuality in government offices, but also in "cultural matters" or schools.
"Homosexuals cause major damage"

Ivan Nikitchuk, sponsored the law, told the Russian newspaper Izvestia that the display of homosexuality causes in the public space for "serious problems" and believes that being homosexual "a serious illness," and homosexuals 'extensive damage' can bring to the maatschappij.De law is substantiated by a law from the time of the Soviet Union, his homosexuality was seen disappeared as a serious offense, and homosexuals between five and eight years behind bars.

According to the two applicants is such a law at all strange. "In ancient Athens, homosexuality was punishable by law," as they defend their ideas. According to the duo's current law, which prohibits "homosexual propaganda", not effective enough, writes Russia Today.

Gay rights activist Maria Bast speaking to Russia Today, the hope that the law is not adopted, "especially now that Russia is trying to strengthen ties with Europe again."