Authority grandma (83) is accidentally world trip

A brief drive to a hospital appointment has been for a 83-year-old British grandmother on a half-world trip.

The older lady was confused by roadwork and missed the exit to the hospital. Eight hours later and nearly five hundred kilometers further, she stopped when she was seated without gasoline. Valerie Johnson appeared to be in Scotland from her home in England.

Her family had been in the meantime and had interfered with the police. 'My mother's neighbor called me that she had not returned from her appointment. I was worried and thought she had an accident, 'the woman told The Independent. 'We immediately called the police, who could tell us quickly that a camera had filmed her car in Scotland's Preston. I thought first: my mother can not be. She hates driving. '

When the woman's daughter found out that her mother was actually driving to Scotland, she immediately made a flight to pick her up. A Scottish couple had in the meantime taken care of the older woman. In the meanwhile, the older lady is without tears, but with a good story, back in England.