Austrian Chancellor wants to ban Turkish ministers on campaign

Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern has Monday said that he intends Turkish ministers who wish to campaign to ban in favor of the referendum.

That led to skirmishes in the streets around the Turkish consulate in Rotterdam. Erdogan said the Dutch government then drag a 'Nazi remnant' announced sanctions against Netherlands and ultimately threatened the European Court of Human Rights.

Kern was Monday night at the television station ÖRF asked how he would respond to the arrival of a minister to move Turkish Austrians to a 'yes.' 'We'd try to avoid for safety reasons. 'The Social Democrat said the Turkish constitution harmful to democracy and propaganda meetings before a' perverse use of the freedom of assembly. '

In Austria live 120 000 Turks. Thousands of them would have dual nationality, which is actually prohibited. Nuclear want to consider exactly allow mapping. He believes that Turkey deliberately chose an escalation strategy. Europe must not be naive. 'It is no longer here to the right of assembly, but a controversy between political Islam and European values. '