Asscher allowed by VVD

The VVD believes that Minister Asscher (Social Affairs) " has listened " to the criticism of the Liberals.

Monday Mulder had Asscher's policy to combat unemployment in De Telegraaf still " totally inadequate " called Tuesday and he repeated those words in the House. This led to fuss with the PvdA and the VVD because opposition parties used big words, but there are no consequences seemed to connect. But Mulder argued that improvement Asscher has promised and has been given homework. The qualification 'unsatisfactory' also involved only an interim report and not a final report, he gave Tuesday already.The debate showed that the VVD and Asscher highly disagree on the effect of the job plans, where the government amidst the crisis 600 million went out. According to Mulder, they have not yielded more than 2,000 real jobs. A far too meager result, found Mulder.,null, The lesson should be: just pump it in tax reduction, which gives extra jobs. ''Asscher was disagrees. He accused the VVD they would prefer a 'Uyliaans jobs plan' will then help people retain their jobs or to prepare them for retraining for a different job. With disposable spending money, you create no jobs, Asscher said.According to him, a total of 150 000 people helped with the 76 sector plans, as they are officially called. There are also 17 000 apprenticeships created. He acknowledged in the direction of the VVD, however, that the government has a duty to evaluate the plan to see if it,null, more effective and smarter " can.Asscher said in the debate on his budget that the Social and Economic Council (SER) to advise on a CDA plan to set up a compulsory insurance which provides that in case of illness, the wages are paid up to two years. Employers in the plan would only be required to pay through the first eight weeks, instead of the current two years.The PvdA minister wants advice for the summer. It is still possible to present new plans on Budget Day. Asscher did say he also sees disadvantages in the proposal of CDA MP Heermabrug. The SER can involve the plan in the search for solutions to long-term unemployment.Asscher said he continues to work on its own plan for small businesses (up to ten employees) no longer require two years to pay wages of sick employees. He wants to reduce this period to one year. It is about 84 percent of Dutch companies. It is these firms are afraid to hire people because of the risks of compulsory sick pay, which runs for two years now.