Artist week locked in stone

The French artist Abraham Poincheval survive the next week not covered, but in a stone.

The 12-ton boulder that stands a recess made in the shape of his body in the Palais de Tokyo gallery in Paris. There are vent holes, and there is room for a soaker water and food.

Using cables, the heartbeat of the Frenchman is constantly monitored. There is also a video connection.

'The goal is to experience how time passes in a rock,' he said earlier on news QZ. com. 'You sit there alone with only your own breathing. And the rock is alive, it is still damp because only a few weeks ago is extracted from a quarry. There is a flow, a coming and going between myself and the stone. '

Urinating does the Frenchman in empty water bottles and large shopping he does in a small container. About the stench, he is not worried. 'The stone will absorb some of the smell,' he said shortly before his detention to news agency AFP. 'I think I may be opposed. '

Instead Poincheval looks most like the psychological effects, keep a grip on reality.

It is not the first time that the artist himself locking in weird places. So he stayed previously 13 days in a stuffed bear, he sat for a week on a 20 meter high pole outside the Gare du Nord in Paris and he sailed over the Rhone in a huge plastic bottle.