Art Associations declare skulduggery

Art Association and the Dutch show artists union have reported skulduggery surrounding the bankruptcy of Drenthe regional arts center, CQ.

According to the unions, the board has tampered with the statute and the collective agreement. 'With the old collective agreement, the municipalities had the responsibility for supervision of work to work and payment of statutory and nawettelijke WW WW. Suddenly it was canceled, 'said the unions.

The CQ-board was not empowered to make certain changes, they claim. The unions have 'the distinct impression that the CQ-board cahoots played with Emmen and Coevorden. These practices municipalities saved an annual subsidy of about 600. 000 plus any costs departure of employees. '

Emmen, the largest municipality of the two, can not find in the story, said a spokeswoman. Coevorden believes the issues surrounding the bankruptcy then 'neat' to have settled. The municipality does not recognize the accusations of skulduggery. 'But they have the right to make a formal objection. Very annoying, we would prefer our energy elsewhere in stabbing. '