Arab teen arrested for flirting on YouTube

Police in Saudi Arabia have arrested a teenager for 'unethical behavior' on live video site YouNow.

Abu Sin, a nickname which means as much as 'toothless', tried to flirt in video chats with Christina, but because his English is very poor seemed not to be working. However, the enthusiasm of the 19-year-old vlogger could count on a lot of attention on the movie sites and YouNow YouTube.

The movies also attacked the local police on Sunday and Abu Sin, was appropriately enough, was arrested during a live chat with a follower in Kuwait.

In a statement, the police said that he stuck to 'unethical behavior', France24 reports. Against a local newspaper allows spokesman namely: \'The two were enticing films that received in a short time thousands of followers and viewers around the world. Most viewers come from the Arab world. Abu Sin is known by this negative attention. \'

The vlogger would hang over the head three years in prison, he could be sentenced.

In one of the most popular films of the two Abu Sin asked in his broken English or Christina to marry him. The Californian did not want to because he's only thirteen, she says. Abu Sin, however, claims to high and low that he has been twenty.\n  \n  \n   advertisement

It is not the first time that a vlogger was arrested in Saudi Arabia because of unethical behavior. in 2013 a boy was in jail because he was handing out free hugs on the streets of Riyadh.