Analysis: everything possible again in game around Brexit

The Brexit that Britain plays now drives the Conservative Party apart.

Whether Johnson wins then is the question. He is more popular in the country than in the party, losing their unpredictable wayward course rather than being rich. Smart Boris can also get someone else to take the chestnuts out of the fire. If May loses, that would be a sad end to her career.

However, there is also the possibility that May will claim the bribe themselves. In that case, the Tories may be the bobbin because then new elections will come. And with their banter in the entire Brexit affair, the profit of the hardcore socialist Jeremy Corbyn is certainly not impossible.

The British voter tends to blame the divided party. Corbyn was lukewarm for a Brexit but, under pressure from the younger voter, seems willing to switch from Brexiteer to an 'remainer' and then the entire Brexit war has been for nothing.

If May stay on and thus win the no-confidence motion from their own party, her authority that is not too great will be further affected. It does not seem logical then that they will be prime minister long after the Brexit.

It was never thought possible, but the enormous divide over the Brexit in the (United Kingdom), at least in name, could lead to a second referendum on the Brexit. Then slightly more of the half of the population who chose to leave the EU feel betrayed.

Whether that anger is enough for another 'yes' to the Brexit is doubtful. In the previous vote there was the suspicion that many Europe-friendly British did not bother to go to the electoral room because they thought they would stay within the Union.

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