Amsterdam prohibits hoot

Amsterdam will be the first city in the Netherlands banning straatinitimidatie as jeering and cursing.

Halfway through this year may launch enforcement fines on people who jeer or intimidate others. This makes it possible in the capital to crack down on the jeering of (sexual) harassment, for example, women, gay or municipal investigators.

Mayor Eberhard van der Laan (PvdA) had already picked out whether it is possible to include a ban on street harassment explicitly in the municipal regulations. This allows the authority to act faster. A curse directed at a victim soon only need within earshot of a municipal enforcement officer to be pronounced and there is a fine of up to 4,100 euros.

Van der Laan, himself a former lawyer, managed to sort by eminent jurists whether the ban is legally feasible. The city ' would definitely not completely outgunned '' if the ban is submitted to a court or the European Court of Human Rights for Human Rights, the report concluded.

Last year he announced a revolutionary ban in municipal legislation prohibiting the to sizzle after example women or gay or insults to hurl at the head.

Wednesday, Van der Laan Comrade Comrade Ahmed Marcouch announced a private member to make it a criminal offense for women to be made difficult on the street. Van der Laan takes timing remarkable, because the plan is discussed for years and was just standing today on the political agenda in Amsterdam. ' I give him up to a month to make the private member and submit, 'said Amsterdam's mayor.