Americans knew of Wikileaks leak

US intelligence and investigation agencies were aware of the vulnerability of the CIA which ultimately resulted in the revelations of WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks published Tuesday some revealing documents that include revealed that the CIA is able to hack just about any Internet connected device. The publication, which has come to be known as # Vault7, has caused worldwide outrage. What especially as a surprise was that the CIA leak abused in hardware, but they do not always report to the makers of the example, smartphones, smart TVs and smart cars. Incidentally, WikiLeaks claims that the publication of Tuesday was only the beginning. Twitter released the whistleblower site, led by Julian Assange, know that is published only 1 percent of all pieces.

Meanwhile, particularly in Germany much consternation about the revelations. On the one hand because breaking hardware of individuals is punishable under German law, but on the other hand mainly to the fact that the CIA part operates from the US consulate in Frankfurt. By consulate to use as a base, CIA agents can go about their business almost unhindered in Germany and in the rest of the Schengen area.