Also oldies shop more online

More and more elderly people shop nowadays sometimes via the Internet, according to research by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS).

         Of the over-75s now places one in five ever ordering from an online store, roughly double that of a year ago.
The number of people sometimes buy something online, is on the rise for years. This year has bought 77 per cent of persons aged 12 years or older at least once something over the Internet. That equates to 11.1 million people. In 2012 there were about 10 million.
Views from age 25 to 45 year olds the most active online shopping, observes CBS. Under the e-shoppers are as many men as women. Men, according to the survey by the statistical office a bit more active. They order more often women than anything. Also order men by the bank made more expensive products or services, such as electronics, software, hardware or financial products.