Almshouse skatepark

From outside it looks like the St.

Ever since the closure of the local munitions factory, decades ago now, the building is empty. And that- along with the knowledge that in the village near Gijon and Oviedo, 200 days a year rain falls- inspired a group of young people to the conversion of the church into an indoor skate park. This month, the result of five years of work proudly presented to the press.

The building has a superb architecture, said Ernesto Fernandez Rey, one of the founders, told The Guardian. It is very high, and there is much light inside.Madrid artist Okuda San Miguel got wind of the project and offered to make the murals. I was instantly in love with the church. And now it is my personal Sistine Chapel, he compares his work with the world famous chapel frescoed by Michelangelo in Vatican City.