After 45 years without a penis, man finally has sex...

Andrew Wardle (45) from Manchester has finally- for the first time- had sex with his girlfriend.

According to Andrew, the result is fantastic, he tells The Sun: 'He is big, ridiculous. 'His friend Fedra (28) agrees:' Indeed. He is big. '

Andrew was born with a condition that affects only 1 in 20 million men. Less than a decade ago, he discovered that the medical science might still be able to help him with a male genitals, but he only went under the knife last June.

What followed was an extremely painful period, in which he had to endure a 10-day erection, followed by a six-week sex ban, which was for Andrew- who was eager to love his girlfriend for the first time- especially mentally heavy.

The first session of the two- according to The Sun a half-hour romp- was amazing, according to Fedra. It was admittedly Andrew's defloration, but 'he knew what he was doing. '

The couple is in the seventh heaven and now hopes gently on a child. Andrew's fertility must still be tested for this.