Advice: do not throw a stick at your dog

A veterinary practice comes with a remarkable advice: do not throw sticks anymore with your dog!

The reason is an almost fatal accident with labrador Willow in the English Rugby. His owner was like millions of dog owners around the world playing around with his dog. And what could be more fun than throwing a stick that takes your four-legged friend out of the blue?

At Willow, however, the thirty centimeter long piece of wood ended in her throat.

Baasje Helen Speirs (50) was shocked when she saw in the veterinary practice Bilton Veterinary that the stick had pierced the body under the tongue of Willow.

'Willow could really speak of happiness. We could eventually remove the stick from her shoulder and that saved her life ', says a spokesperson for the animal practice in the Daily Mail.

Speirs and veterinarians are now doing everything they can to warn dog owners. 'Every year we receive a wounded dog who was injured in stick-throwing. '