Aboutaleb not against Samson

Rotterdam Mayor Aboutaleb will not tell Samson in a battle for the Labour Party the party leadership.

Aboutaleb does not face Samson in a party leader election. The mayor would find it 'weird' because he has always been behind the present Labour leader. 'It's weird to stand in front of your head if you've supported him all this time. 'According Aboutaleb he is as a human being' not together '.

It is not quite sure if Samson himself participate in the battle for the party leadership. If he decides not to do so, then the way for Aboutaleb seems still free.
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Another popular PvdA, Deputy Prime Minister Asscher, thinks about to be a candidate. Aboutaleb would like to take it to him. 'Minister Asscher obviously has a somewhat different position, which is in the cabinet and taking action sometimes I like to applaud, but sometimes actions which I disagree,' said the mayor of Rotterdam against Nieuwsuur.