90-year-old woman severely ill-treated in her own home

The 90-year-old Iris Warner may have been seriously injured in bed for days after an intruder has severely abused her in her own home.

Iris was awakened in the middle of the night by an intruder, who then repeatedly hit her with a 'weapon' in her face. Her excited children share photos of their badly injured mother in a hospital bed.

The police have started a large-scale investigation and are looking for witnesses. That's what the Mirror reports.

Researchers state that the woman's life hung on a thread. She son of Iris was just in time, otherwise she might not have survived the incident. The victim is now conscious again, but has a lot of pain. She will be in the hospital in the near future.

The children of the woman hope that the shocking pictures ensure that any eyewitnesses report. 'We are in shock. The person responsible for the attack must be caught, 'said the son.

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