5-year-old plant own funeral: inflatables, Batman and ice creams

'My name is Garrett Michael Boofias, I am five years old, I am a bulldog and my favorite color is blue.

Garrett called himself 'Boofias' because he could not pronounce 'Matthias' properly. The 5-year-old boy died last week of a rare form of cancer. This is how CNN reports.

Before his death, he worked together with his parents to create an imaginary funeral. 'Funerals are sad. I want five inflatables (because I'm five), Batman, fireworks and ice creams, 'he told his parents. In the letter he writes that he wants to be cremated, just like the mother of superhero Thor. And that he wants to grow back as a tree, so that he can live there if he is a gorilla after his death.

On Saturday there is a moment to say goodbye to Garrett. With five inflatables, fireworks and a special ceremony based on Thor. 'The cremation is later that day. If we have invented how to change ash into a tree, 'Garrett's parents write on the website where their son's letter can be read.

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