3 million for 5G Project TU Eindhoven

A European team of researchers to develop wireless technology for 5G, has been awarded a grant of 3 million euros led by the TU Eindhoven.

The 4G network for mobile internet will call expected within a few years at its borders, according to the TU Eindhoven. With the future 5G network speeds should be possible to 10 Gbit / s. In addition, the capacity will be, the amount of data which the network can handle, a thousand times greater.

The fair is a Marie Curie Fellowship from the European subsidy program Horizon 2020. Even companies Ericsson, NXP and Orban Microwave Products and Swedish Chalmers University and KU Leuven Belgian part of the European research project silicon dioxide. With the money twelve candidates are appointed.

The researchers will focus on a new type of radio antennas that can process signals of 30 GHz, required to achieve the high data rates. The current 4G antennas work in the regime below 3 GHz. The researchers want to develop a base unit that cooperate hundred thousand antennas and accommodate a wide variety signals.