11 packets per second

If all of Monday at bol.

Artificial Christmas trees, tablecloths, complete dinnerware, spiral cutters for the kitchen; All these issues are at the last moment ordered for the holidays. 350. More than 000 articles have been ordered and dispatched Monday says director Daniel Ropers. This day is the busiest day ever in the history of ball. com. Every second, ordered eleven articles. Absolute topper is 25, the new album from British singer Adele. That is also the best-selling product in 2015.

Last year, the Monday before Christmas was the busiest day of the year, but the number of packages ordered was when certainly 100. 000 units lower. The range has since been expanded or otherwise. The turnover is now probably 70 percent higher compared to the Monday before Christmas last year , says Ropers. Revenue is also expected to be 20 percent higher than the previous record. That was three weeks ago with Sinterklaas. How high that converts then, the director can not tell, because parent company Ahold is publicly traded.